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Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:34 pm
by Longing for Edward
What is irking me at the moment!!!!!? Today from FFN I received an alert for an update - it indicated that it was an Author's Note - when I clicked the link I get the "story not found" message. I had only received the alert an hour before - when I went to the author's page to see if there was an explanation - her stories were gone and her PMs shut off.

I respect that some authors pull their stories, but at least leave the message up for a day so readers know why. Otherwise, why bother putting up the note.

Anyone know why Thetwilightsagaisawesome yanked her fics?

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:43 pm
by PLV
Sorry to hear that. I dislike it as well when author's do that.

I hope you find the answer about the author and why, where etc?

Have a good night.


Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:02 pm
by Totoro
Why do authors feel the need to make Jacob and Edward always be enemies? I'd like to see something different sometime, personally.

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:42 pm
by Totoro

I had to beta a few of these, and let me just say, there is nothing, NOTHING, more annoying (save rpf) than people who do this. I don't want to read about you and Edward, I want to read about Bella and Edward.

/end rant

bizarre, and cruel fics

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:23 pm
by sandstone
Hi everyone! Can someone explain something to me. I just ran into a story that liturally turned my stomache. Why do some story's have Bella and Edward in love, after Edward hurts or physically assaults Bella?
I stopped reading a story that was.... I can't describe, basically Edwards family kidnaps Bella. Edward tries to force Bella to marry him and then assaults her, apparently Bella completely gets over it the next night because Edward is nice to her, protecting her from his father...........what a guy.
I've run into other story's like this, I don't read the rest of them, but from what I gather, they end as romance story between Edward and Bella. The top one included was supost to be some kind of love story.
I am just confused. These story's arnt just "wild" , there strange. Do the authors think this writing a story, or do they want to write about bizarre situation. I personally feel bad reading about someone being hurt or abused.

Anyways I was just wondering if somebody could tell me the reason behind these story's.

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:32 pm
by Ylva
The original books can easily be framed as about abusive relationships. Maybe some people are into that sort of thing, thus writing fanfics about it with a happy result?

A kinder assumption would be that they are trying to set up a conflict and resolve it, but forget about the whole "resolve it" part in their eagerness to get to the happy result.

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:38 pm
by Sylvianna
The almost religious fanatism, and consequently the lack of critical thinking; that many of the fans don't even know what's freedom of expression when you tell them something they don't like and keep telling you to STFU (or the equivalent "if you don't like it don't read/ watch it" like if I could forget the totality of the Twilight mess- I wish!!- or as if I could have an opinion without reading/ watching whatever it is I'm talking about); how selfish the Twific world has turned out to be in comparison to other worlds, and the unfairness of the whole Shades fiasco: if it was a case of making a best-seller and then a film out of a smutty fic with BDSM in it there were quite a few that were far better in my opinion, and I only read a few of them since BDSM was not really my thing. It seems to me that The Dominant/The Submissive as I remember it (it was so so long ago, I don't remember many fics, just impressions) was a superior candidate to achive the same thing. The fact that out of the hundreds of fics I read back in the day, the one that got the attention was Shades, when there were much better ones has left such a bad taste in my mouth I can't even describe it. I've never agreed with publishing fanfiction. I wish people would have used it like in many other fandoms, as a stepping stone to learn/improve the craft before starting to write original stories. But if there had to be one fanfic to trascend the fandom, there were so many others that were so much better...

I think this is the time I've spent less words to explain all the things that bothered me the most of this experience in my life, and I still had to use several lines of text. I still don't understand how could I have spent so much time in something I would never consider myself a fan of. Maybe I'm a masochist too. :chair:

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:51 pm
by right2write
^^^That is kinda strange. Did you start as a fan and it faded quick?
Anyway, How many of ya'll are still here? I came back after a long absence. I had so much going on. It is so sad to me to see there is hardly anyone here. Give me a yell. :hyper: :hyper:

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:23 pm
by ruthhazelton
There are people here - just not posting on the forums. If you want a site to survive you have to show up once in a while. If you want to know what's been pulled recently visit my thread Do We Know Where This Story Went in The Other Forum. The site wasn't working for about 3 weeks and lost a couple of posts which I need to repost as soon as I can figure out what posts I lost.

Re: What erks you in fandom???

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:59 pm
by sandstone
It's sad when an author just stops posting on a story for years... It would be nice if they came back.