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Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:36 pm
by Ace
Since some of the best fics have been pulled down and published, I seem unable to find good stories, stories I have nt read.

Do you think that people stopped writing because they want to publish or because All movies are out and they are moving on?

Twilight has the best fanfics there are. I really hope that this cathegory is not slowly dying...

I am not addicted to fanfiction, but Sometimes the stories are better than most books that are currenly being published- books in general

about books based on fics

...even the fic is better than the book based on the fic, not talking about the writing. I am talking about that certain something that makes fics special. not crazy, I swear :) :hyper:

what do you think?

Re: Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:04 pm
by Sylvianna
In my opinion, yes. There are a lot of reasons why (many of them are the fandom's fault, in my opinion), but maybe the main one is that this happens to all the sagas/series once the fans know that no new material will "ever" come, particularly if the series was short to begin with.

Small content (few books, few films, few episodes in a TV show...) and no future for the series, and any series dies shortly after the last installment. There will always be a few people who carries on with it, but the hype has moved on to new things.

Re: Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:11 pm
by Ace
I really hope that those vew people are not few. I have been reading fanfiction for six years now, four out of six mostly Twilight...

I found so many great authors while reading Twilight fics. I do not think that any of the movies or tv shows that will come out this year will attract as much attention as Twilight. City of Bones, warm bodies, beautiful creatures...I

I really hope that the whole scandal with Kristen is not one of the reasons people stopped writing.

Twilight was popular before the movies, I think that it should be just as popular after.

I keep hoping:)

Re: Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:15 pm
by Longing for Edward
I too have noticed that things in the Twilight fanfiction domain have been getting quieter and quieter. I agree with Sylvianna's reasons and I also think many people have mixed feeling about the pull to publish trend and the very public obsession with a published former fanfic which has caused some writers and readers to take a step back from the fandom.

I miss the discussions and am saddened by the vast number of high quality fics that seem to have just been abandoned. There are many excellent writers still publishing Twilight fanfiction so hopefully we will have new reading material for a while to come.

Re: Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:30 am
by ruthhazelton
I don't think Twilight is dying. I think its undergoing a shift that all fandoms seem to go through. I am originally from Star Trek Fandom (a ST fan for 46 years). I remember when Star Trek Fan Fiction was in the form of fanzines. The internet killed fanzines - everything ended up online and I didn't have a computer to read it, all the ST organizations I belonged to either died or had to adapt to the internet. I scaled back my activities because I couldn't afford to buy anything anymore. I do the thread Do We Know Where This Story Went on the other forum. Several things are happening. One big one is that real life is interfering with authors who are trying to write. Its definitely hit the ladies who do fiction in the Other category. Frostyswff had a baby. She hasn't had time to write but she has still remained somewhat active by being a prereader for at least two fics in that category. SwimmingBee finished her fic and was going to do a sequel but ended up with writer's block. It wasn't coming out the way she wanted it to. She was and is still busy with RL issues one of which is that she is pregnant and the baby is due in April. She's busy with dealing with the upcoming baby. She hasn't left entirely either. She is also prereading at least two fics on the other forum for authors. Some of the Robsten fiction was affected by Kristen's mistake with Rupert. Authors were unsure if they should continue their fics or wait to see what happened. A couple got pulled but a couple of others have updated. Lostlluggage is trying to get a book published and she is also overwhelmed with work and her family. She is however still working on her Rob fic slowly. The Other Forum itself is dead. We had a non-twilight person come in who was basically reading one of lostluggage's Rob fics - she was really into the female character but hated Rob. She spend her time aggravating us and everybody got ticked off and went to twitter to converse. And they are still on twitter. I don't happen to do twitter so I'm missing all the conversations. When everybody on Other abandoned that forum, Ryanne went to AU-Human and started aggravating everybody on the Motu and In Your World threads. Everybody there got sick of her and also left. She herself finally disappeared. There wasn't anybody left for her to agravate. On the AU forum, sistergrimm/dearly beloved was doing Resent. She hasn't abandoned it - a) she went into the service and is doing basic training. b) she was dissatisfied with the direction of the way the fic was going and she is rewriting it and will be back sometime. I have noticed a number of fics in other categories that looked like they were abandoned and are starting to update again. One of the latest is one I thought had been abandoned and is now active again - Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (AU). I have noticed several new fics that have shown up in the past couple of weeks. I don't spend a whole lot of time on so I don't know a whole lot of what is happening over there except for what I pick up in passing from you guys and from a couple of people on where I am a moderator. Its a Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb website dedicated to the In Death series with Lt. Eve Dallas. A couple of members write fiction on and I hear occasionally about problems over there.

Re: Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:32 pm
by sandstone
I don't know if this could be the reason, but some people say they have been getting turned off by fandom because alot of the content. One person told me they wern't sure they should post there story because it would be put in the same section as 'strange' storys. I'm not sure if this is a legitimate reason to not post a story.

Re: Is Twilight Fanfiction dying?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:19 pm
by Totoro
In my opinion, Twilight itself isn't dying and the fan fiction isn't really dying so much as older authors are starting to fade away along with their stories and new authors are coming in. The problem isn't so much the people as it is the sites. Twilighted for example, I hate to say, is starting to lose some of it's popularity. But if you go to or ADF and find that there are still quite a few people around.

So really, its all about where you go.

I will say that people seem to review less than they used to. I remember back in 2010 you could get 1000 reviews on a 15 chapter story. Now people can write say, 26 or so chapters and only get about 100 or so reviews.

So it's a mixture of things. Some people are just moving on when others are just finding it, some people just don't make themselves as known as others, and to be honest the fandom members make a site. So like this place could still be hopping if people wanted it to be, but I think betas' are retiring and older members are losing interest and the newer members are just having less and less to say.

I mean, the discussion boards for the books? Things have been discussed to death, it's like beating a dead horse.

But as someone else said, every fandom goes through this type of thing.