Welcome to Twilighted!
Welcome to Twilighted! This is the first Twilight fan fiction site that welcomes all ships, all ratings, and all categories (AU, Crossover, etc.) of Twilight fan fiction, as long as it is well written.
Twilighted is staffed with highly educated Beta Readers who will read and approve those submissions that meet our standards for quality writing. Just because Edward is human doesn't mean it can't be a great story.
Thanks for visiting Twilighted. Now, go register and submit your work!
Twilighted Fan Fiction Archive
Categories |
Twilight [494] Stories that take place during Twilight/before New Moon.
New Moon [597] Stories that take place during New Moon.
Eclipse [257] Stories that take place during Eclipse.
Post-Eclipse [276] Stories that take place after Eclipse, in canon through Eclipse.
Breaking Dawn [306] Stories that take place during Breaking Dawn, written after the book's publication.
AU [1331] Stories that take place in an Alternate Universe (AU).
AU-Human [2537] Stories in which all the vampires are HUMAN.
Crossover [99] Edward at Hogwarts? Carlisle on ER? Those stories go here.
Crackfic [103] Vampires in Space? Spoofs, farces, everything ridiculous, but great goes here.
Other [208] Everything else...Real Person Fics, Object POV, ???
ORIGINAL FICTION [29] Original Fiction by Twilighted Authors. Currently only for completed contests. |
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Twilighted Junior Validation Beta Positions Available
In order to find some additional qualified betas to help us validate stories submitted to Twilighted, we have developed a "Beta Test." If you are interested in becoming a VOLUNTEER Twilighted Junior Validation Beta, please complete the form located on the forum in the BETAS/CRITIQUE PARTNERS section here.
Applicants must be:
1. 22 years or older
2. An accomplished writer with near error free submissions to Twilighted
3. A member in good standing on the Twilighted forum
4. Able to commit at least 4-6 hours per week to beta work
Twilighted in the News
Check out these stories about Twilight fan fiction featuring Twilighted.net:
Best of Twilight Fan Fiction
The Weird World of Fan Fiction
Hollywood Gets Hot for Fanfic
Rosemary Clement-Moore Contest
Congratulations to The Sound and the Fury for winning the Twilighted Original Fiction Contest: Cheeky Chicks and Bothersome Beasts.
Be sure to read and review Rosemary Clement-Moore's choice for best original short story in this contest:
Through This Their Knowledge
Many thanks to best selling author, Rosemary Clement-Moore, who writes Young Adult Paranormal Fiction that boasts strong, smart female characters that can’t seem to escape the attention of demons, ghosts, and especially the cutest guy in town. Rosemary’s new book, The Splendor Falls, is a wonderful of a young girl whose dreams are shattered, but who finds new hope when she discovers the mysteries of the world she lives in.
Check out her website at: www.rosemaryclementmoore.com
Catherine Spangler Contest and Interview
Congratulations to Angel4ever and oceanwaters2006 for winning the Twilighted Original Fiction Contest: Sexy, Suspenseful Superheroes. Catherine Spangler was so impressed with both of their stories, she couldn't choose between them so it was a tie! Be sure to read and review Angel4ever's story, Perfect Timing and oceanwaters2006's story The Protector.
Many thanks to best selling author Catherine Spangler, who writes the "Sentinels" series (Touched by Darkness, Touched by Fire, and the upcoming Touched by Light). In honor of her new book's release, Catherine judged the writing contest, choosing the winner from the top five finalists. Many of the entries are now posted in the Original Fiction section of our archive.
Don't miss psymom's interview with Catherine and her workshops on our Forum, where she shares her insights on writing and publishing in the real world!
Please keep in mind you have to register separately for the forums.
About the author
Catherine writes edgy, sexy paranormal romance that alters your reality with its dark sense of legend and mysticism. Catherine’s new book, Touched by Light, is the third installment in her series and is now available in bookstores, or by clicking on the link under Featured Authors on the right side of this page.
Cassandra Clare Contest and Interview
Congratulations to SassyGeminiMom for winning Twilighted's third Original Fiction writing contest, "Fantastical, Forbidden, and Fun," with her entry, Raven Song!
Many thanks to acclaimed urban fantasy author Cassandra Clare, a former fan fiction writer and now New York Times Best Selling Author of the "Mortal Instruments" series (City of Bones, City of Ashes, and her new book, City of Glass). In honor of her new book's release, Cassandra judged the writing contest, choosing the winner from the top five finalists. Many of the entries are now posted in the Original Fiction section of our archive.
Don't miss psymom's interview with Cassandra on our Forum, where she shares her insights on fan fiction and publishing in the real world! Please keep in mind you have to register separately for the forums.
About the Author
Cassandra Clare writes urban fantasy that is full of the excitement and the heartache of forbidden love, but crackles with funny, feisty sarcasm. Cassandra's book, City of Glass, is the third installment in her series and is available in bookstores, or by clicking on the link under Featured Authors on the right side of this page.
Site Info
Members: 216396
Series: 255
Stories: 5983
Chapters: 44185
Word count: 177315128
Authors: 3155
Reviews: 952350
Reviewers: 33872
Twilighted Betas
Twilighted Owner/Administrator
Beta Emeriti
Admittedly Obsessed, blondie, qjmom, shabbyapple, vjgm
Lead Supervisory Beta
Supervisory Beta
Senior Validation Betas
content1, devilsgenie, Dr_Twilight_PharmD, Green Puma, Jenny Cullen, magan bagan, Shasta53, strider, Totoro, whynot
Junior Validation Betas
AngelGoddess1981, SaritaDreaming,
Beta Alumni
alicedances, alice_laughed, aerosoldoc, angelicwish, Anne, Arizona Hale, beautiful_distraction, Bella C'ella Luna, bethaboo, bonnysammy, born2speakmirth, Browns, Casket4MyTears, CrimsonIceGoddess, devikalika, everwondering, flibbins, Hannah81, helena_handbasket, Hopeful Wager, il_suo_cantante, jajo, jennde, JenWordSong, Jessiesmama,juliamine, kallieross, KatieBelle, ladyrip,Laura Cullen, Lion_in_the_Land, LisaDawn75, Little Yellow Porsche, Live720, Lola Shoes, Lumedog7, Marcy, MsKathy, mzmanda, myimm0rtal, neveryoumind, nikkipattinson, Ninapolitan, NoMoreThanUsual, nowforruin, OCD_Indeed, oceanwaters2006, PassionforTwilight, Phoenix Rising, RedChevy, robbsweetangel, Roo, SassenachWench, sassygeminimom, sirenastarot, sixeightshuffle, Sunking, sweek539, Texasprincessaurora, Texbelle, thejamster, tima83, therunaway, The Sound and the Fury, tiffanyanne3,tmr, twighlit, Twilightzoner, twistedbytwilight, WendyAnn, WutheringBites, xrxdanixrx
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